8880 Rennen-Straße
56070 Geschwindigkeit, GmbH
+49 261 / 918448-0
The Sehr Schnell 8448 Racing
(with 4-point safety harness)
Sehr Schnell now offers a fully race-spec driver's seat for
the 8448.
Created entirely of machined-aluminum, carbon fiber and lightweight
fabric, this racing seat meets all BTCC™ and SCCA™ specifications.
Using an integrated 4-point harness means that you'll have the
stability and safety necessary to contend with the higher-end
performance upgrades we offer.
Including: Price: $1299 (US) |
In racing performance,
the most important aspect to consider With the Sehr Schnell 8448 Racing Seat, the driver is seated The harness it mounted directly to the seat frame and The straps are made from high-density woven nylon with a |
Schnell offers the ability to ulitimately customize You can schedule an appointment with us
to have your We also offer customized color and logo
designs on the |
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