"Beautiful!" "Excellent job, mechanically as well as aesthetically.
You are a gifted
individual." "I've seen your Lego Beretta
and it is *awesome*"
"That model is obnoxiously well-done. Very nice
job." "I never imagined legos could be used in such a way.
It's a true inspiration, "That
is completely disturbing... great job!!" "It's utterly amazing, you'd never
think that such an innocent toy could "That is one of the most beautiful, amazing things I
have ever seen. "INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! "The model is an
abosolutely amazing piece of work, or in this case art" "Looking at the pics my jaw gradually dropped further and further, "HOLY S###!!!! I was never able to build such cool things with my lego's! "I hate you for putting this up, I want one so bad now" "...that
is the coolest freaking thing in the world" "That is one of the coolest things I have EVER
seen." If you have any questions, feel free to email the designer at legoberetta@malagraphixia.com |