What does Beretta think?:
(The Highest Praise of All!)

-Matteo Miscia
MKT Department, Fabbrica d'Armi Pietro Beretta, Italy

"Excellent job, mechanically as well as aesthetically. You are a gifted individual."
-Matteo Recanatini
Marketing Analyst, Beretta, USA Corp

"I've seen your Lego Beretta and it is *awesome*"
-Todd Louis Green
Law Enforcement Operations Coordinator, Beretta USA

What did you think?:

"That model is obnoxiously well-done. Very nice job."
- Dave

"I never imagined legos could be used in such a way.  It's a true inspiration,
not to mention incredibly cool. Nice work!"

 "That is completely disturbing... great job!!"

"It's utterly amazing, you'd never think that such an innocent toy could
become an almost deadly weapon."

"That is one of the most beautiful, amazing things I have ever seen.
You sir, are a genius."

YOU ROCK!!!!! THAT IS SOOOO DAMN COOL...simply amazing"

"The model is an abosolutely amazing piece of work, or in this case art"

"Looking at the pics my jaw gradually dropped further and further,
until it hit the table at the 3rd gen version. Nice job."

"HOLY S###!!!! I was never able to build such cool things with my lego's!
I bow before your intelligence."

"I hate you for putting this up, I want one so bad now"

"...that is the coolest freaking thing in the world"

"That is one of the coolest things I have EVER seen."

If you have any questions, feel free to email the designer at legoberetta@malagraphixia.com